European aviation associations move EU policy to concrete measures to increase the production of alternative aircraft substances (SAF) and to avoid a dependent von import. Intacted report from the ICF consulting companies, the order of Seighhnorganization, Wude shows that this does not to be frozen out of existing producing. Dies at higher costs for verb seek and a competitive disadvantage against the United States and China for China.
For the pre -chosen measures, state incentives, increased financial support and targeted raw material awarded. The industry emphasizes that Europe with the directed polyiths could take on a role in the development of new flight crafage. At the same time, a stronger production can ensure energy supply and receive the competitive range of the European aviation industry.
The background of the report is six large industry associations, including Airlines for Europe (A4E) and the Council International Europe (ACI Europe) airports. The aviation companies call for the EU commission to act quickly to prevent the drowning spine’s disadvantage.
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