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aviation; Federal Administrative Court reviews EIA requirement for Kahlenberg cable car – Aviation.Direct

The Federal Administrative Court has overturned the Vienna state government’s decision on the EIA obligation for the Kahlenberg cable car and referred the matter back to the state government for further examination. This means that the decision on whether an environmental impact assessment (EIA) is required for the cable car project will be reopened.

Hannes Dejaco, Managing Director of Genial Tourismus- und Projektentwicklung GmbH, regrets the associated delays and sees the need for quick clarification from a climate protection perspective. He emphasizes that the decision of the Vienna EIA authority was taken with due care and that the court’s decision was respected, even if it leads to further delays.

According to Dejaco, after 1.5 years since the EIA requirement was applied for, it is still unclear which approval process should be used for the cable car. However, the managing director remains optimistic that at the end of the process compliance with all approval criteria for the Kahlenberg cable car will be determined.

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