Last week, the European aircraft manufacturer Airbus announced that current sales manager Christian Scherer would serve as CEO of the commercial aircraft division.
“Since 2019 without the leadership of Airbus and its commercial aircraft business, it has been merged, ensuring consistent and rapid implementation at a time of numerous crises and changes. Airbus has now embarked on a course consistent with its goal of “Pioneering sustainable aerospace for a secure and united world”. “Giving Christian the role of CEO of Commercial Aircraft will allow us to focus even more on the success of our commercial aircraft business, while I can fully concentrate on managing Airbus in a complex and rapidly evolving global environment,” says Guillaume Faury, CEO of Airbus. “Christian and I have worked hand in hand over the last five years, and we will continue to do so in this new constellation.” I admire Christian’s business acumen and look forward to working with him to achieve Airbus’ ambitious goals.”
“It is an honor and a great pleasure to be appointed to head our commercial aircraft business at such a critical time for our industry,” says Christian Scherer. “I am our passion and that of the Airbus team in serving our customers to achieve our operational goals as we work to consolidate our success, continually improve and prepare the future of our products and services.” In doing so, we become close “Working with our partners and suppliers around the world on our shared roadmap to decarbonize aviation.”
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