On Wednesday, October 11, 2023, a new GAT hangar was opened at Dresden Airport. Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG invested around 4.8 million euros.
This investment meets the high demand in the general aviation business. Construction work on the hangar began in February this year. The client was Dresden Airport.
The new building offers around 2,100 square meters of space for up to twelve aircraft and was built on the site of the former Terminal 2 A, which was demolished in 2018. The new building is divided into two areas: One side of the hall is equipped with a turntable with a diameter of 27 meters, which makes it easier for small aircraft to enter and exit the hall (the technology is already available in another hangar at Dresden Airport). The second side of the hall offers space for free positioning of business jets. The roof area of the new hangar is to be equipped with photovoltaics in the future.
The CFO of Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG Ingo Ludwig emphasized on the occasion of the opening: « The new hangar and the other conversions and new buildings are a strong commitment to Dresden Airport and its importance for the region. » Today’s handover follows the recently handed over new Federal Police “It’s another milestone in our extensive investment program here at the airport.”
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