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aviation: Hamburg slope rehabilitation on schedule


The top surface layer of runway 05/23 is currently being renewed at Hamburg Airport. According to the current state of affairs, the construction work will continue until June 28, 2023. According to the airport, you are on schedule.

« As is also common in road construction, for example, the top surface layer of our runways has to be renewed at certain intervals. » This work cannot be carried out while the runway is in full operation. « Therefore, this year closure times of 28 days per runway are required, » explains Martin Borstelmann, civil engineering project manager at Hamburg Airport. « Since we also have to work on the runway intersection, i.e. the interface between the two runways, night work is also exceptionally necessary. » The runway intersection cannot be closed during the day, since there must always be a runway available for flight operations. »

« During the closure period, all flights take off and land on the other runway – as is currently the case in June via Norderstedt and Alsterdorf. It is particularly important to us that we provide local residents with good information, » says Gunnar Sadewater, Head of Events, Visitors and Neighborhood at Hamburg Airport. « We therefore announce the dates of the runway closures, for example on the airport website and in our neighborhood newsletter. In addition, we are on the road with our neighborhood team at over 50 events in the metropolitan region and also provide information here about the planned construction work. When scheduling appointments, it is also important to us that the closure times for the runways are outside of the holiday periods. After all, many residents like to spend their time outside, especially during the summer holidays.”

Outlook: The second 28-day lockdown follows in September

The renewal of the top surface layer of runway 15/33 (Norderstedt/Alsterdorf) is expected to take place from August 30 to September 27, 2023. During this period, all flights will take off and land via Niendorf and Langenhorn. When the top surface layer is completely renewed, fewer short-term maintenance measures on the runways will probably be required in the years to come.

Further closure time for necessary maintenance measures

In addition to the extensive renewal of the top surface layer, further maintenance measures on the runways are necessary this year. For this purpose, one slope is closed three times for five days. Two of these blocked blocks have already been completed this year as planned. The third follows directly after the four-week runway closure: Runway 15/33 (Norderstedt/Alsterdorf) is expected to be closed from July 3rd to 7th, 2023. All flights then start and land via Niendorf and Langenhorn. During this 5-day closure, night work will also be necessary, which is also covered by the authority’s special permit.

The post Hamburg runway rehabilitation on schedule first appeared on Aviation.Direct.

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